Sunday, 2 November 2014

Difference between today's beauty ideals and Elizabethan ideals

Difference between today's beauty ideals and Elizabethan ideals

Over the century's the idea of what is beauty is constantly changing. From being curvy to extreme thin, From different skin and hair colors, everything changes. At the moment I think it is ideal to be very skinny but also have some curves like a big booty and boobs. Personally I think beauty is plainly to be healthy and look after yourself. Everyone has their own beauty. But the beauty standards are getting controlled by different areas. I think what you think is beautiful has also to do a lot with where you live.So the culture has a big influence. For example we think that being tanned is beautiful but that's absolutely not the case in Asia.There you will be seen as very beautiful if your skin is pale. Another factor is the way you have been brought up. Because before you can decide for your own what beauty is , you believe what your family is thinking. Of course the time where you lived in plays a big role too. I am not sure what was the beauty ideal when I was little but I am sure it's different to today's. So were the ideals from hundred of years ago. Another big influence on beauty standards is the society and entertainment industries. The Elizabethan beauty ideal was to have very pale skin, red lips and cheeks and to have a high forehead with light hair( yellowish blond to strawberry blond) that was curled, frizzed and put up in round or heart shapes, decorated with jewels, ribbons and pearls. Something you wouldn't see nowadays. 

For today's beauty standards I choose Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johansson .

Now in comparison the Elizabethan beauty standards. You can clearly see the very pale skin and in the first pictures you also see very well the red cheeks and lips. As well as the high forehead and the era's typical hairstyle.

Elizabeth's coronation.
Rainbow Portrait around 1600

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