Monday, 6 October 2014

Summer project 2014 'If I could...I would'

Who do I want to be in 5 years time?
Where do I want be?
What kind of job do I want to do?
Do I want to be a different person ?

Those are all question I don't really have an answer to.
But I know that in 5 years time I want to be a happy person.
I want to do the kind of work I am interested in. I am not sure which way I want to go.
Fashion? Catwalk? Movie/Theatre/TV?  If I could I would do all of them. I easily get bored so I don't just want to stick with one direction. -great now I have one directions song stuck in my ear -.- -
So if possible I want to switch between all those directions.
But I do know that in 5 years time I would love to work for some time as a makeup artist in Seoul,South Korea.
I have been interested in Asia since I was little and a few years ago my interest in Korea grew and grew. I was so fascinated with this country and culture that I started to learn Korean. So even though I moved to Southampton now I am still going to London every Saturday to attend my Korean Class.
안녕하세요^^ And I learned how to play the Gayageum-a Korean instrument- it's so relaxing :)
So ,of course I also like Korean cosmetics and skin products. They are not just overly cute but also so good to your skin. I feel like the products help my skin much more than our products we have got here but let's end this here otherwise I keep going on how much I love Korean products for the next few hours! To sum it up I want to work in Korea but I also want to work in other places around the world. I want to see more of the world and to work as a makeup artist is a good opportunity to do it.

During our Freshers Week we got together in small groups and talked about our mood boards we created .So let me tell you something about the lovely ladies from my group:)

First of all from left to right it's me, Vicki Leong, Beth Webb , Anna Lenton and Sophey Sommers.

Starting with Vicki. Vicki's inspirations are Sarah Jagger and Pony(Korean makeup artist). 
Just like Pony she would like to publish her own book and wants to teach makeup part-time in her own shop in Macau,where she is originally from. To get inspiration for her mood board she looked at magazines and had a stroll trough her favorite makeup blogs.

Beth wants to work with film studios preferably in Hollywood and would like to work on films like Harry Potter.She would like to earn a lot of money with her job and travel around. Her mood board inspirations were music videos, movies and makeup advertisement.

Anna wants to work in different areas such as for fashion,TV and films and even for a company to develop new products. She wants to have a secured income and a nice house. Anna's inspiration were from magazines, TV and films ,as well from other makeup artists and blogger.

Sophey wants to be a working mum and wants to have a nice big house for her family.
Ideally she would like to work on film sets, TV shows and also travel. She researched online for her mood board but also had a look at magazines and books. She gets her inspirations generally from other makeup artist and just the world around her.

And here is a link for a music video of the Korean boy band BigBang. I find their makeup very interesting and inspirational .Just love it :) 
빅뱅 화이팅!

 The makeup of this music video is also very interesting. The group is called f(x) and is a Korean girl group.

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